Harvey Comics – Back to the Future Mini Series #03 – “The Great Indoors” (Direct Edition)

Harvey Comics – Back to the Future Mini Series #03 – “The Great Indoors” (Direct Edition)

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Released January 1993

“Verne uses Doc’s Extradimensional Storage Closet—a room offering access to multiple dimensions of time and space—in the hope of delivering a sufficient electrical shock to restore his father’s lost memory, but the resultant power surge turns the closet inside out, damaging the fabric of the space-time continuum. This causes the Browns and Marty to randomly jump around in time and space, and threatens to collapse the entire planet into a black hole. Luckily, Doc regains his memories in time to avert the crisis.”

Writer: Dwayne McDuffie
Penciler/Lettering: Nelson Dewey

Image and Info Credit: The Malty Gamer

Categories: Comic Books