Harvey Comics – Back to the Future #02 – “Forward to the Past” (Newsstand Edition)

Harvey Comics – Back to the Future #02 – “Forward to the Past” (Newsstand Edition)

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Based on the animated series episode #3, of the same name

Released January 1992

“Doc and his sons travel three million years into the past to test a disintegration device. A Tyrannosaurus rex tries to eat them, but a friendly Pteranodon, whom Verne nicknames Donny, helps them escape. When a meteor plummets toward Earth, Doc uses the device to destroy it, inadvertently preventing the extinction of the dinosaurs and halting human evolution. Upon returning to the future, they find a society inhabited by intelligent dinosaurs and realize they must un-do what they did in order to put time right.”

Writer: Dwayne McDuffie (Based on script by Earl Kress)
Cover Artist: Gil Kane
Penciler/Inker/Coloring: Nelson Dewey

Image and Info Credit: The Malty Gamer

Categories: Comic Books